Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Statism makes Muslims dangerous like other people

Copyright Carl Janssen 2018 January 30

I do not believe most self labeled Muslims are overt terrorists because Muslims represent such a large percentage of the world population there would be a much larger number of people murdered worldwide in overt violence such as shootings, bombings, stabbings etc.

But if you go to some Muslim countries there is execution for changing your religion,  adultery, homosexuality, for a Muslim woman marrying a man of a different religion, etc. even though not everyone in those countries unanimously signed an agreement that those things should have the death penalty but only a legislating class.

Because of the belief in statism combined with the belief in Islam in a certain manner, most Muslims living in such regions do support those practices at least for those "governments" otherwise since the commoners outnumber the legislative class those practices could be mostly put to an end within those regions.

As for Muslims living in the United States I am not sure that most support all of such practices if the "government" does not vote them into existence.

In terms of covert and overt acts of terrorism combined those who self label as Jews however commit more acts of murder per population than those who self label as Muslims when economic violence is considered.  Most deaths in the world are caused by economic violence, from results of wage slavery, inadequate water supply, unclean water supply or inadequate food.  Most heart attacks are the result of a lifestyle influenced by wage slavery, it is very difficult to live the type of lifestyle to prevent heart attacks even if you know what to do in such a wage slavery based society.  Individuals who label themselves as Jews have a greater influence per person over the monetary system than individuals who label themselves as Muslims or Christians.

The calculations I used supporting my claims about Jews can be found here



However I did not refer to all people who label themselves as any of these religions throughout this article

Most Muslims Are Like That (MMALT) | Independent Man

Accessed 2018 January 30


Brilliant Response for, Not All Muslims Are Bad!


Sunday, January 14, 2018

Evergreen bans Jewish professor for not being unwhite

Evergreen college decided to have a day in which white people are barred from campus.  A Jewish professor wrote a protest letter saying that was like the holocaust and showed up to class anyway.  Students protested his attendance. 


Adult Toddlers : The Psychology of The Evergreen State Daycare


Bret Weinstein Explains the Evergreen "Day of Absence" Controversy - The Joe Rogan Experience



Bret Weinstein Testifies to Congress on The Evergreen State College riots, Free Speech & Safe Spaces



Friday, January 12, 2018

www.vercida.com targeting Jewish employees and other "minorities"

"If you grew up in the Jewish faith, you know that its rich history and traditions are part of what makes you who you are. Nevertheless, none of that should have any bearing on the hiring process. VERCIDA believes that your qualifications for any job rest in the skills, training, knowledge, and experience you possess. We are committed to helping you advance your career based on those things. "



Would it be prejudice to say

"If you grew up in the Christian faith, you know that its rich history and traditions are part of what makes you who you are. Nevertheless, none of that should have any bearing on the hiring process. VERCIDA believes that your qualifications for any job rest in the skills, training, knowledge, and experience you possess. We are committed to helping you advance your career based on those things. "


"If you grew up in the Atheist faith, you know that its rich history and traditions are part of what makes you who you are. Nevertheless, none of that should have any bearing on the hiring process. VERCIDA believes that your qualifications for any job rest in the skills, training, knowledge, and experience you possess. We are committed to helping you advance your career based on those things. "


"If you grew up with a rich European heritage, you know that its rich history and traditions are part of what makes you who you are. Nevertheless, none of that should have any bearing on the hiring process. VERCIDA believes that your qualifications for any job rest in the skills, training, knowledge, and experience you possess. We are committed to helping you advance your career based on those things. "

Just asking




Thursday, January 11, 2018

National Anarchism is anti zionist because it is pragmatic but it is not necessarily anti semitic

Copyright Carl Janssen 2018 January 11 sources accessed online on 2018 January 11

In the national anarchist manifesto the very first part is Anti Zionism


Being anti zionist is not necessarily opposing all Jews or even local Jewish communities in the geographical region where the Jews once lived during the times of Joshua but it can be to oppose the claim that the current state of Israel possesses the moral right to initiate fraud and violence against those who did not initiate violence, fraud or danger (such as an infectious disease requiring quarintine, etc) to the so called state of Israel.

Deaths due to economic violence far exceed deaths due to direct attacks by military and police using weapons as well as deaths due to civilians murdering civilians with weapons.

The number of deaths caused by economic violence from Jews divided by the number of Jews in the world exceeds the number of deaths caused by economic violence from gentile Muslims in the world divided by the number of gentile Muslims in the world and likewise for gentile Atheists and for gentile Christians.  This does not mean that all Jews or all Hebrews are guilty of this wrong doing or that all people of other religions or ethnicities are innocent.

Israel is arguably the greatest economic super power in the world.  Some people think the United States or China are the greatest economic super powers in the world but the United States hands over large sums of money to Israel annually much like a loser pays tribute to a victor or a victim pays money to a con artist for surely Israel is not a country full of starving Jews who need a hand out compared to other countries that get aid which have truly starving citizens, ignoring the "Palestinians" of course.

Janet L. Yellen took office as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on February 3, 2014, for a four-year term ending February 3, 2018.

Janet Yellin is Jewish

Though his status as a foreigner, and a Jew, made him suspect in the eyes of many of his peers, Warburg’s brilliance gradually won him acceptance. He was nominated by President Woodrow Wilson to be a governor on the Federal Reserve Board, and was a power in the system in its first years.
In 2012, demographers estimated the core American Jewish population (including religious and non-religious) to be 5,425,000 (or 1.73% of the US population in 2012), 
I have only listed two Jews in prominent possessions in the fraudulent federal reserve banking system.  But if you hand count the number of Jews in this banking system it should only be about 2% in the highest ranked positions unless there is some sort of special favoritism to hiring Jews.
The probability for exactly X individuals being Jewish out of N individuals with a 2% Jewish population is
The probability of J or more individuals being Jewish out of N individuals
Is the sum of (0.02^X)*(0.98^(N-X)) for all integer values of X greater than or equal to J and less than or equal to N
The probability is even lower if you use a sample from the world wide population rather than the American population but I am talking about Jews in charge of the American Federal Reserve banking system.
The number one cause of death world wide is economic violence and the top leadership of this economic violence is disproportionately Jewish individuals who would be considered Israelites recognised by the state of Israel as automatic defacto citizens.
Although other schools of anarchism are largely theoretical about how to resolve conflicts under their anarchist ethics systems in an imaginary future where a significant portion of individuals accept their system of anarchism the enemies are not usually explicitly  named and left to the imagination.
These other schools are less practical because there is the question of who is perpetrating the suppression of freedom.  The National Anarchist Manifesdto however names the most dangerous source of economic violence per capita by being anti zuonist.  This allows a real enemy to fight intellectually by identifying the primary intellectual source of unethical influence.
Most everybody believes in federal reserve notes and the belief in the monetary system is the greatest threat to human life that I know of. Though not all Jews are guilty of this the problem is disproportionately caused by Jewish fraudsters.
Jews need not be our enemy we should make alliances with Rabbis to condemn the other Jews in the banking system publicly from the synagogues with their words at the very least.  These rabbis should encourage these people's spouses parents, lovers and children to disown them if they do not sabotage the monetary fraud system eliminating it or quit participation in fraud.
Any rabbi who upon learning of the corrupt monetsry system's primarily Jewish sources of intellectual support via fraud and still refuses to condemn the members of this community doing such a practice is an enemy to all of humanity Jew and Gentile alike!
This responsibility lies not in Jews only but in all peop!e however generally speaking Jews have more power per person to fix the problem in terms of their social standing.  However gentiles out number Jews and if acted collectively they can win.
It may not ever be possible to win the masses hearts and minds but that does not stop one from trying hard.  Anarchy in the Age of Dinosaurs explains about how people might not be able to get success in massive numbers but you can work towards small goals in your local community.  National Anarchism leaves room for each community to fix things locally to reduce the harmful effects of unethical influence on a local level based on each communities sense of ethics.  It's teachings application can result in local communities working towards gradually increasing economic autonomy and freedom from federal reserve notes in a wide variety of ways.

Additional note added on 2018 January 11

Someone reading this article pointed out that there are some starving people in Israel and gave the links below as information.  They also pointed out that they heard from third party individuals that a large number of anti zionist Jews living in Israel are poor due to social ostracism.  They also mentioned that most of the money sent by the American Government to Israel is not spent on helping the poor in Israel but other things including defense and military intelligence.

Although Israel has some poor it is a first world country and for humanitarian aid to the poor in my opinion that money could go much better to third world countries and that is partly what I meant above by, "for surely Israel is not a country full of starving Jews who need a hand out compared to other countries that get aid which have truly starving citizens, ignoring the "Palestinians" of course. "

To be full of starving citizens like people imagine Somalia or North Korea is very different than to have a much smaller minority of citizens starving like in Israel or America




Trillionaire Rothschild Warns His Own Central Banking System Is Failing and Buys Gold


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The perfect counter argument to messianic Jewish missionaries who say Jesus kept the 613 commandments

Copyright Carl Janssen 2018 January 10

The perfect counter argument to Christians and messianic Jewish missionaries who say Jesus was a Jew who kept the 613 Jewish commandments

You are a missionary, any Jew expected to keep the 613 commandments of maimonides is required to hate you (the missionary.)  Did you know Jesus hates Christian/messianic Jewish missionaries since he apparently kept maimonides 613 commandments think about that before you suggest keeping the 613 Jewish commandments is a virtue.

Those who wish to dispute that Maimonides did not mean missionaries in the translation below would have trouble disputing that Chabad did not mean missionaries in the translation they chose.

Chabad teaches that it is commanded to hate Christian missionaries and Christians who spread the teachings of Chabad or any other "orthodox" Jewish group that supports the idea that Maimonides taught the original Judaism and that the "original" Judaism should be obeyed are teaching hatred of Christians and hatred of Messianic Jews.

If any members of Chabad or any other Jewish group do not believe the below teaching of Maimonides should be obeyed and that I am misrepresenting them please correctly represent yourself and make a public statement that Maimonides teachings below should not be obeyed.  In doing so you will represent yourself as an individual independent of your group but to show that the group officially disavowels obedience to such teachings an official representative of your group should make such a statement in a manner officially recognised not merely a lay person in an unofficial manner.

37. Not to love the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

38. Not to cease hating the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

39. Not to save the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

40. Not to say anything in his defense—Deuteronomy 13:9

41. Not to refrain from incriminating him—Deuteronomy 13:9


Source accessed online 2017 January 10

Did radical Islamic terrorists learn their practices from Jews and the State Churches? Why accusing Muslims of terrorism is anti semitic

By claiming Muslims were radicalized by Rabbis and Priests I am not endorsing nor refuting Islam.   Many of the violent teachings of so called radical Islam are very similar to teachings from Judaism and the state churches.  Muhammad frequently heard stories from Jews and members of the state Churches which can be found in a different but similar form in stories Muslims trace to Muhammad in the Quran and other Muslim literature of antiquity.

Both the State churches and Judaism prior to Muhammad's lifetime punished religious disagreements with violence and Muhammad may have learned much of his religious beliefs from listening to Jews and members of state Churches.

 Many Muslims and most Jews share a common semitic ancestry so criticism of Muslims is equally anti semitic as criticism of Jews.  Many converts to Islam and Judaism were impregnated by individuals who allegedly trace ancestry to Shem even if their (the converts) ancestry was not of Shem resulting in a strong correlation between ancestry and these religions.

 Do you understand the difference between attacking a religion and attacking a religious person?  Do you understand the difference between attacking gods and attacking people?  These questions are important as Muhammad's followers may have initially fought in self defense instead of initiating aggression from some points of view.

Do you understand that destroying idols was economically costly to those who profited off of religion?  If someone smashes an idol and the idol smasher is physically attacked is the idol smasher a terrorist if he defends himself or is the person who attacked the idol smasher a terrorist? Is it theft through destruction of property to destroy someone's property such as an idol or is it theft through fraud to sell an idol?  Ones point of view on this may influence ones perspective on who committed violence and who committed self defense.

If Jews executed gentiles for worshiping idols how would Muslims executing people for worshiping idols be guilty of terrorism but not Jews and could so called radical Muslims have learned the practice from Jews?

  If Muhammad only started about by smashing idols but Jews taught to kill idol worshipers which religion is more tolerant?  Do you understand how Jews treated Muslims before Muslims started fighting Jews?


After Muhammad's revelation from Gabriel in 610 until his proclamation of monotheism to the Quraysh,Islam was practiced primarily in secret. The Quraiysh, who traditionally accepted religious practices other than their own, became increasingly more intolerant of the Muslims during the thirteen years of personal attacks against their (the Meccans) religions and gods.[6] In fear for their religion and economic viability, which heavily relied on annual pilgrimages, the Meccans began to mock and disrupt Muhammad's followers. In 622, Muhammad bade many of his followers to migrate from Mecca to the neighboring city of Medina, 320 km (200 mi) north of Mecca. Shortly thereafter, Muhammad himself left for Medina.[7][8] This migration is referred to as the Hijra.[9]

The Quranic Verse 22:39[10] uttered by Muhammad sometime shortly after the migration permitted Muslims, for the first time, to take up arms in defence. During this period Muhammad employed three broad military strategies against the Meccans. Firstly, to establish peace treaties with the tribes surrounding Medina, especially with those from whom the Meccans could derive most advantage against the Muslims. Secondly, to dispatch small groups to obtain intelligence on the Quraish and their allies and also provide, thereby, an opportunity for those Muslims still living in Mecca to leave with them. Thirdly, to intercept the trade caravans of the Meccans that passed close to Medina and to obstruct their trade route.[11][12]


In the Constitution of Medina, Jews were given equality to Muslims in exchange for political loyalty.[2][14] However, after each major battle with the Medinans, there were accusations of Jewish tribal treachery for aiding the enemies of the community in violation of the Constitution of Medina.[15] After Badr and Uhud, the Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir, respectively, were expelled "with their families and possessions" from Medina.


But R. Shesheth said thus: The scholars stated, A heathen is executed for the violation of four precepts [including idolatry]. But is a heathen executed for idolatry? Surely it has been taught: With respect to idolatry, such acts for which a Jewish court decrees sentence of death [on Jewish delinquents] are forbidden to the heathen. This implies that they are merely forbidden, but their Dilling Exhibit 57 Begins violation is not punished by death! — R. Nahman b. Isaac answered: Their prohibition is their death sentence.29

R. Huna, Rab Judah, and all the disciples of Rab maintained: A heathen is executed for the violation of the seven Noachian laws;


R. Jacob b. Aha found it written in the scholars'  Book of Aggada:  A heathen is executed on the ruling of one judge, on the testimony of one witness, without a formal warning, on the evidence of a man, but not of a woman, even if he [the witness] be a relation.


The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:[7]
  1. Not to worship idols.

Further reading


Sources accessed online 2017 January 9
Written by Carl Janssen on 2017 January 9

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Jesus is not the messiah because he should have sinned more according to Jews for Judaism

Jesus is not the messiah because he should have sinned more according to Jews for Judaism

Charlie’s death had been an atonement for the sins of the world. According to Harry, the death of Jesus could only have been a foreshadowing of Charlie’s supreme sacrifice. Harry and his theologians (and it did not take long for Harry to raise schools of theologians), argued that since Jesus had never sinned, his death could not rightfully atone for sin. As someone who never sinned, Jesus could never be able to atone for sin. Harry argued that it was only Charlie, as a man who was intimately familiar with the concept of sin, who could provide atonement with his death. It was Harry who attributed to Charlie the statement; “No one comes to Jesus but through me”. And it was Harry, of-course, who invented the concept of a “third coming”.






Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Republicans betray loyal Muslim voters and continue to fork over money to Israel no matter how much Jews vote against them

Copyright Carl Janssen 2018 January 2

Republicans have alienated Muslims who supported them even during the Iraq war in exchange for pandering to Israel who opposed them no matter how much money republicans fork over to Israel.


71% figure accessed online on 2018 January 2

In the present 71% of Jews voted to support Hillary Clinton and republicans should help support a Jewish country financially why?

 Republicans really have a way of fighting Muslims who share their values and voted for their candidates in order to pander to Jews who persistently fight against republicans no matter how much money is given to Israel. Republicans went too far in alienating Muslims who supported them even during the Iraq war against a so called Muslim country and have lost the Muslim vote.  Although I disagree with George Bush he actually claimed to be fighting against Saddam Hussein who was oppressing Muslims not against people who label themselves as Muslims so he could get voting support from Muslims even during war time but recently republicans have gone out of their way to mock Muslims while supporting Jews who continue to vote Democrat no matter how loyal Republicans are to Israel.  George Bush did not mock Muslims if you listen to his speeches even though he invaded so called Muslim countries supposedly to liberate Muslims who were living there.  A lot of self labeled republicans unlike George Bush however mock Muslims with sweeping generalizations while completely ignoring any economic terrorism done by some but not all Jews. They are fighting their allies and supporting individuals 71% or more of which are out to undermine them politically, these self labeled republicans are supporting terrorism not fighting it.

A poll conducted by the Center for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) found that a shocking 72 percent of Muslims voted for Bush that year. That number has since been challenged, but a 2001 Zogby poll still reported a solid 42 percent backed Bush, compared to 31 percent who sided with Gore. More importantly, Bush racked up more than 46,000 Muslim votes in the pivotal swing state of Florida, where the man who would come to be known as The Decider won by a mere 537 votes overall.

Accessed online 2018 January 2

To Catch A predator Host caught second attempt

So I am trying to post links to the third party videos with the video titles that the third party YouTube uploaders removed because the vide...